In English

If songs can’t be heard and listened to – they are dead.
When I found books containing hundreds of beautiful Croatian folk songs that have never been recorded, I began doing what I have been doing since: turning notes and written words into music. Most of all I would like these songs to be sung by other people. It is absurd that this computer-wise generation should forget songs that have been handed down from generation to generation in times when it was not a common thing to be able to read and write.
I am extremely happy because I do not have to go anywhere. The most beautiful songs are here where I am now. As are both the place and the time.

Theatre Performances

Dunja’s music has been used in several theatre performances: Budi se lijepa and Mrtva svadba at Teatar ITD, Zagreb, Cezar (directed by Branko Brezovac), … jer bez tebe nema mene (a dance performance choreographed by Barbara Novkovic), and she was the composer of the music/songs in a performance entitled Regoc and Kosjenka that she based […]

About me – my roots

BOXES + BOXES = OUR LIVES (published in April, 2001 in Croatian IQ magazine) The chief editor was very persuasive in describing the positive sides of writing for IQ, a magazine distributed and read all over Croatia. He was so persuasive that I agreed to write something for IQ readers. I thought the subject of […]