How Songbooks Composed the Story of My Life
A Short Autobiography Based on Folk-Song Songbooks, with Songs From the Songbook Songs Album As Stations Along the Way Released by Geenger Records on November 5, 2021: The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies (Engleska/England) Tari Bali (Indonezija/Indonesia) Кед сом ишол/Ked som ishol (Rusinska/Ruthenian) Не питай /Ne pitay (Ukrajina/Ukraine) Вниз по матушке по Волге/Vniz po matushke po […]
My Life with Songbook Songs – Introduction
My life story would have been completely different if I hadn’t begun learning folk songs from folk-song books since I was 13. When you are 75, everything seems clearer, there is a certain pattern to it all. This will be a stroll through my life, with the focus on b o o k s. It […]
O “Songbook Songs” projektu ili „Moj život uz pjesme iz knjiga – pjesmarica”
Moja životna priča bila bi potpuno drugačija da nisam još u djetinjstvu zavoljela učiti pjesme prema notama iz knjiga. Kad napuniš 75 godina, sve je jasnije, slika je potpunija. Slijedi (još jedna) šetnja kroz moj život, s knjigama u fokusu. Ovo će biti kronološka priča o tome što je bilo prije moje „hrvatske priče“ – […]
Kako su pjesmarice/zbirke narodnih pjesama napisale/ispjevale moju životnu priču
KRATKA AUTOBIOGRAFIJA UZ POMOĆ PJESMARICA/ZBIRKI NARODNIH PJESAMA, TE ALBUMA “SONGBOOK SONGS” S PJESMAMA KAO USPUTNIM POSTAJAMA (Album će u cijelosti biti objavljen 5.11.2021. kad će uz sve pjesme biti linkovi za slušanje; do sada je objavljena pjesma pod brojem 8. – vidi dalje u tekstu!) The Wraggle Taggle Gypsies (Engleska/England) Tari Bali (Indonezija/Indonesia) Кед сом […]
Tamo gori – Album Description Tamo gori is Dunja Knebl & Kololira’s third album (Dunja’s twentieth album), released May 15th, 2020 on Bandcamp by Geenger Records. The title has two different meanings: “Up There” or “There’s a Fire Burning Over There”. The album’s “story” was inspired by the Italian saying “Tutto il mondo è un […]
Diskografija – Discography
DISKOGRAFIJA Studijski albumi: 1. Čuješ, golub, čuješ, MC, 1994., Morje kak Međimorje 2. …jer bez tebe nema mene, MC,CD, 1996. ORFEJ 3. Croatian Folk Songs from Međimurje, MC, 1998., Trottel Records, Budimpešta 4. Iz globline srca, MC,CD, 1998., Dancing Bear 5. Četiri frtalji, MC,CD, 2000., Dancing Bear 6. Da sam barem guska, MC,CD, 2002., […]
An Unpublished Interview (revised and updated in May, 2017)
Question: What do you know about your family’s roots? My family’s roots are intertwined like those of many European families. One of my grandmothers comes from Hungary, the other has Moravian roots. One of my grandfathers has roots in Germany, but he worked for a while in Bohemia where my father was born, and then […]
Dunja Knebl & Kololira
TAMO GORI – novi je album Dunje Knebl & Kololire (Geenger Records) – 15.05.2020. Dunja Knebl & Kololira u klubu Močvara (22.01.2020.) (Doringo Photography) Uskoro izlazi novi, treći album Dunje Knebl & Kololire koji se po koncepciji i osnovnoj „priči“ slučajno (no kažu da nema slučajnosti) poklapa s nevjerojatnim okolnostima svjetske pandemije koja ne […]
Gilding the Rose/Music
It is a common thing for us, the imperfect humans, to take every possible step we can in order to make ourselves and everything else surrounding us perfect, and that perfect changes depending on people, time, environment. We continue to do so although we are aware of the fact that it is impossible to […]