In English

If songs can’t be heard and listened to – they are dead.
When I found books containing hundreds of beautiful Croatian folk songs that have never been recorded, I began doing what I have been doing since: turning notes and written words into music. Most of all I would like these songs to be sung by other people. It is absurd that this computer-wise generation should forget songs that have been handed down from generation to generation in times when it was not a common thing to be able to read and write.
I am extremely happy because I do not have to go anywhere. The most beautiful songs are here where I am now. As are both the place and the time.

Diskografija – Discography

DISKOGRAFIJA Studijski albumi: 1. Čuješ, golub, čuješ, MC, 1994., Morje kak Međimorje 2. …jer bez tebe nema mene, MC,CD, 1996. ORFEJ 3. Croatian Folk Songs from Međimurje, MC, 1998., Trottel Records, Budimpešta 4. Iz globline srca, MC,CD, 1998., Dancing Bear 5. Četiri frtalji, MC,CD, 2000., Dancing Bear 6. Da sam barem guska, MC,CD, 2002., […]

An Unpublished Interview (revised and updated in May, 2017)

Question: What do you know about your family’s roots? My family’s roots are intertwined like those of many European families. One of my grandmothers comes from Hungary, the other has Moravian roots. One of my grandfathers has roots in Germany, but he worked for a while in Bohemia where my father was born, and then […]

From Over There to Over Here

From Over There to Over Here

The title of the project I have been working on recently has several different meanings. „OVER THERE“ is not only a place but also a time period when I was much younger. As I have been very happy since I reached the time period and place of „OVER HERE“, I would like to share my […]


  KOLOLIRA is a band reinterpreting traditional folk songs coming from Croatia (kololira = hurdy gurdy) Dunja Knebl & Friends got together to perform at a world music festival in Varna, Bulgaria, in 2013,  as representatives of the Croatian Radio. They liked playing together so much that they chose to continue as KOLOLIRA (Croatian for […]

Albums – Photos




kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeJELEN PASE
Dancing Bear, 2010
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeSPEVALA MI PAPIGA
Dancing Bear, 2009
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeDOĐE BOŽIĆ, OJ KOLEDO
Dancing Bear, 2008
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeKITE I KITICE
Dancing Bear, 2007
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjePOLJE ŠIROKO, NEBO VISOKO
Dancing Bear, 2005.
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeDA SAM BAREM GUSKA
Dancing Bear, 2002.
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeČETIRI FRTALJI
Dancing Bear, 2000.
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeIZ GLOBLINE SRCA
Dancing Bear, 1998.
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeCROATIAN FOLK SONGS FROM MEĐIMURJE
Trottel Records, 1998.
kliknite na sliku za uvecanje…JER BEZ TEBE NEMA MENE
Orfej, 1996.
kliknite na sliku za uvecanjeČUJEŠ, GOLOB, ČUJEŠ
Morje Kak Međimorje, 1994.
CBS, 1995.